As a (supportive) escort I'm happy to create a comfortable and passionate moment, driven by genuine fascination for consent pleasure. Female humans and couples are welcome in any shape, insecurities, and level of experience. 
The focus is to experience a connected, authentic, positive sexual moment.
Als (unterstützender) escort freu ich mich sehr angenehme und genussvolle sexuelle Momente anzubieten, angetrieben von einer wahrhaftigen Faszination für einvernehmliche und achtsame Begegnung. Alle weiblich gelesenen Menschen und Paare mit jeder Form und Vorgeschichte sind willkommen.
Im Mittelpunkt steht ein sehr positives, authentisches sexuelles Erlebnis.   
Say "hi" -​​​​​​​
Or follow the contact-form at the bottom of this page.
"The bravest thing was to send the request because after that everything was relaxed and empathetic. I can only encourage every woman to take a little journey to themselves with this great companion. I never thought that everything would be so easy and relaxed Ben conveys a warm feeling from the first moment and allows all areas to flow smoothly into one another. What started as a non-binding get-to-know-you meal ended with the most beautiful experience of my life." 
Claudia (GER) (one of my first hosts)
"Das Mutigste war die Anfrage zu stellen, denn danach lief alles entspannt und empathisch ab. Ich kann einfach jede Frau nur dazu ermutigen mit diesem tollen Begleiter eine kleine Reise zu sich selbst zu unternehmen. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass alles so leicht und entspannt ablaufen würde! Ben vermittelt ein warmes Gefühl vom ersten Augenblick und lässt alle Bereiche fließend ineinander gleiten, was als unverbindliches Kennenlern-Essen begonnen hat, endete mit der schönsten Erfahrung meines Lebens." 
Claudia (DE) (eine meiner ersten Gastgeberinnen)
Hi there, great human.
I’m Ben Nordmann, originally from Germany, born in 1989, and based in the Netherlands and Germany. I consider myself a straight cis-man, with a love for diverse humans and their way of loving and living. The fascination with the wonderful energies that can flow in connection-based sensuality, made me shape justnotbed. — I‘m practicing empowering sex work as well as film-/photography with a deep passion for creating supportive, joyful moments and inspiration.
I'm based in: 
Amsterdam, Düsseldorf and Stuttgart. 
I'm really happy to travel also to different countries and cities.

Find a booking assistant, more pictures and a German intro video in the link below: 

Short and explicit video clips and photographs are accessible via my maloum-profile and store:
Send booking request
Thank's for your request, I'll come back to you as soon as possible. =)
My fascination withth diverse humans, their personalities, sexual orientations, and uniqueness reaches across cultures and genders, ages, and human conditions. I felt a big need to formulate the justnotbed initiative to make a statement and action on it. To bring a renovated image and awareness out there.
In my free time, I like to go kite-surfing at the coast, longboarding or relaxing in the sun, sitting in a coffee house enjoying coffee and the people around me.
Art, design, and human interaction are my other passions, which I explore also in my main job and identity. Those also have some overlapping details with the Justnotbed initiative.
I am in an open relation partnership and have already experienced an alternative, modern way of living and loving since 2014.
Success to me is making others successful.
Besides the personal experience, I obtained a tantra certificate from a 50 hour tantra training, that taught me to use tools of tantra to understand boundaries, consent and consciousness on a professional level.
Ben Nordmann is my nickname to protect my real identity, in order to avoid mixing fields of work. Nevertheless, I hope that sensual work in the future will no longer be seen as something bad or dangerous. It should be the exact opposite: the full amount of love, kindness, respect, and celebration.​​​​​​​

Say "hi" or use the contact form.

2h = 400€ / + 90€ every out hour  
over-night stay 900€   
the length doesn't have to be fixed before
The costs for the hotel and other expenses are usually covered by the person to is booking the date.

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