...at the interface of documentation, entertainment, education and attitude. Actual moments of genuine sensuality, sexuality aiming for an authentic insight of pleasure and intimacy. 
The current works are produced by the sexworker Ben Nordmann. A remote controlled camera operating helps the process in capturing passionate moments.
Mut zur (un)behinderten Lust – Eine Reise zu mehr Selbstwert durch Leidenschaft 
Dresden/ Germany (2024) – 23min
Eine Entdeckungsreise zu einem besseren Selbstwertgefühl durch Leidenschaft - Rike ist vom Möbius-Syndrom betroffen und entdeck ihre Schönheit und Sexualität durch eine sexuelle Dienstleistung. 
Diese Doku zeigt wie sich bei Rike aus Dresden ihre Beziehung zu ihrer Sexalität, ihrem Körper,  und Lust signifikant verändert. Mithilfe von dem “unterstützenden” Sexarbeiter Ben Nordmann, welche nicht nur Nähe, Wertschätzung und Sexualität mitbringt, sondern auch die Idee und Motivation neue Perspektiven auf den eigenen Körper, mithilfe von Film und Fotografie arbeiten zu ermöglichen.
Gemeinsam haben Rike, die mit dem Möbius-Syndrom lebt, und Ben am Titel, Ziel und der Aussage gearbeitet. Die Worte von Rike werde dabei unverändert verwendet “Ich würde da an Behinderung und Sexualität denken. Ich dachte ganz lange, ich wäre aufgrund meiner Behinderung komplett unattraktiv für jeden und könnte nie Sex haben und hab mich tatsächlich fernab von jeder Sexualität gesehen. Das hat mir auf jeden Fall geholfen, mit dir so leidenschaftlich Sex zu haben.”
Beiden ist es von Herzen wichtig, dem Thema ‘Sexualität und Behinderung’ mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu geben. 
A journey of discovery to a better self-esteem through passion - Rike is affected by Möbius syndrome and discovers her beauty and sexuality through a sexual service.
This documentary shows how Rike from Dresden significantly changes her relationship to her sexuality, her body and pleasure. With the help of the "supportive" sex worker Ben Nordmann, who not only brings closeness, appreciation and sexuality, but also the idea and motivation to enable new perspectives on her own body with the help of film and photography.
Rike, who lives with Möbius syndrome, and Ben worked together on the title, aim and message. Rike's words are used unchanged "I would think of disability and sexuality. For a long time, I thought I was completely unattractive to everyone because of my disability and could never have sex and actually saw myself as being far removed from any sexuality. That definitely helped me to have sex with you so passionately."
It is very important to both of them that more attention is paid to the topic of 'sexuality and disability'.
4 acts of pleasure –  a pleasant story of two sex workers meeting in a hotel in Amsterdam
Amsterdam/ Netherlands (2023) – Teil 3/4 – 12min 
Loving wake-up - shows act 3/4 - a pleasant story of two sex workers meeting in a hotel in Amsterdam to share with the world how much joy pure pleasure with ‘stangers’ can bring. 
4 acts of pleasure - shows in four acts how two sex workers experience their time together and promoting a highly consensual way of loving without a script and mainstream codes of pornography. Shaping a movie by creating separate act aims to reflect on how we consume porn. 
The composer, designer and editor Valentine Langlais is turning the self-recorded footage by ben nordmann into a movie seen als a concert of different acts of pleasure showing the human and the sensual un-staged pleasure of two escort sex workers, Melinde Witkamp and Ben Nordmann.
My pleasure – a journey through various artistic moments of female pleasure
Various cities  (2022-23) – 23min
My Pleasure – is telling about the female pleasure in sexuality in an artistically composed manner from Valentine Tuca using footage of Ben Nordmann.  ​​​​​​​
My Pleasure - explores ways of making pleasure visible by avoiding conventional codes of pornography. The celebration of the female body in real and authentic moments of human pleasure shown in a artistically composed manner by Valentine who was editing the footage produced and experienced by ben Nordmann and partners.
In addition the movie aims to create an expansive space of sight and touch. By connecting the female body with its surroundings, the film questions the capitalist boundaries between the sexual and the everyday. It explores the possibilities of pleasure while avoiding conventional codes of pornography.
Anna Blurr — Sunday morning
Eindhoven/ Netherlands (2023) – 34min
This movie focuses on sound, blurry images trigger the imaginations and spark some ideas of the moment. This is a trailer of a full movie showing nearly the full moment of pleasure.
Impressions/ screenshots

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